It was a full moon last night... was too cloudy to see it but I saw it the night before. Astrologically Saturn is retrograde (till May) and so is Mercury and we're due another Saturn/Uranus opposition in Feb... great!

Full moons are always rough times emotionally for me and this one lived up to expectations. I found out something Ben did that made me really upset and lose some respect for him. It showed me that he doesn't live by principles.... and I do. So yesterday I was torn between just telling him I'm seeing someone and don't want to talk to him anymore and just going along with it till April till he leaves.... I had it all planned until I saw him and then lost my courage and conviction. Damn!
I think I just need to jump... take a leap and say it to him and that's it. Walk away like I did exactly one year ago. I can't believe I spent another year on him... Wednesday might be the day.
Also eclipse coming on the 26th then another one in Feb..... more upheavals ahead.
Anyway, I went to this brief cruise in the harbour on Saturday. The weather was beautiful and it was a pleasant day. Pics from my phone below...
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