Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Why does it feel unnatural to be away from him? Am I imagining it, based on the past? It is a game, the chase, or is it something bigger? Is this neuroticism or an instinct? 

It feels unnatural for him to not be in my life. When we don't talk, it feels strange. Unnatural. 
I'm going to hibernate for a few days. Be alone with lots of movies and just hibernate. 

My soul feels so empty. It hasn't been good with Ben for a while. Even in bed things haven't felt the same. But when we don't talk, it feels so unnatural. I don't have the urge to call him right away. But I do feel like I want to connect with him somehow. 

This relationship is not healthy for me. But not being in it feels...... like something's missing.... a part of a whole. 

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